by Stephen Kovats
V2_Institute for the Unstable Media
20.00, Friday, December 01, 2006
Long before a clandestine
military-academic collaboration created the 1960's ARPANET the speculative
mechanisms of conspiracy theories have fueled global events. The internet and
it's growing Web 2.0 counterpart have moved beyond the realm of information
exchange and redundancy to become the real-time fora of narrative construction.
Fuelling and fanning all forms of popular speculation the net now creates its
own post-modern mythologies of world domination, corporate control and
government induced fear fetishism. If the net itself is not a conspirative
construct designed to control and influence global intellectual expression
then, rumour has it, it plays the central role in implying as much. Has the
internet now become a self-fullfiling prophecy of its own destructive
speculation? V2_, in collaboration with the Media Design group of the Piet
Zwart Institute, invites you to join Florian Cramer, Claudia Borges, Hans
Bernhard and Alessandro Ludovico in an evening of net-based conspiracy built
upon abrasive speculation, conjectural divination and devious webbots.
Alessandro Ludovico, editor in chief
of Neural, has been eavesdropped upon electronically for most of his life due to his hacktivist cultural
activities. Promoting cultural resistance to the pervasiveness of markets, he
is an active supporter of ideas and practices that challenge the flatness of
capitalism through self-organized cooperation and cultural production. Since
2005 he has been collaborating with Ubermorgen and Paolo Cirio in conceptually conspiring against the
smartest marketing techniques of major online corporations.
Florian Cramer, course director of
Piet Zwart Institute Media Design, had his education sentimentale as a member
of the Neoist Cultural Conspiracy and is rumored to be involved in numerous
anonymous collective efforts. His interest in plots, networks and signs brought
him to study literature and investigate networks, speculative programming and
cultural semiotics. Next to encouraging hacker approaches to information
design, he currently researches the subliminal impact of obscenity on the human
tatibrazil aka Maria Claudia de
Azevedo Borges hails from S‹o Paulo, Brazil where she graduated in Clinical
Psychology. Her official life as an artist began in Rotterdam where, after 10
years of busying herself with oilpaint, she was seduced by the Internet. As
part of her practice exploring women's issues she trains and designs critical
bots using female identity, language and narratives. Her methods are highly unorthodox,
using the material of conversation and jargon as a means of information
gathering. Currently, it is claimed, that she collaborates with the ethereal
being known as Joy Evidence.
Hans Bernhard is a St. Moritz based
artist whose true madness first surfaced when he started up the
internet-underground cult etoy in 1994. In 1999 he and three other founding
members of etoy bought the mother company etoy.holding while investing dot-com
money in a Sofia based software firm (esof ltd). During the web-site action
Vote-Auction to buy and sell votes during the 2000 U.S. presidential elections
Hans and lizvlx (UBERMORGEN.COM) were sued by 12 U.S. states, investigated by
U.S. federal attorney Janet Reno, observed by the FBI, the CIA and the Austrian
secret police and put under NSA surveillance. Afterwards he initiated NAZI~LINE
(with Christoph Schlingensief), a neo-nazi re-integration project. Other
projects currently getting him into serious trouble with German/Austrian secret
services and corporate lawyers include GWEI (Google Will Eat Itself), the
Injunction Generator and Amazon Noir.
UBERMORGEN.COM / etoy.holding
TANGENT_CONSPIRACY will also feature
sisterO and The Algorithmic Oracle
who will reveal your place in the manifold of time with their Media Divination
2.0. Bring an image or article of personal interest and be ready to disclose
your date of birth ...
Andrea Fiore,The Algorithmic Oracle,
is currently a second year student of Media Design at the Piet Zwart Institute.
He holds a degree in communication sciences from the University of Rome with a
thesis on software as cultural artifact and spends much of his time data
mining, profiling, conjuring social software, and exploring digital archives
and privacy issues.
Nancy Mauro-Flude's sisterO project
involved an extended period of research in Colombia looking at new & old
media at the Society of Ethnomedicine, this resulted in a series of
transmission based performances. Her work as a performing artist refers to the
history of political cabaret, mesmerism and the experiential worlds carried in
their wake. Currently a Master's candidate in Media Design, Piet Zwart
--- start
lecture ---
do we do it?
break the porcellaine interface - Alessandro
i mentioned for vote-auction, due to internet/digital comm technology we dont
know who is on the other side Ð things start to spin very fast, very heavy
loads of information start to move, respectively the sheer amount of information
is just overwhelming, the real-time publication, the user-communication and the
press-work become very threatening. So we are in the middle of a mass media
storms, between the fronts of secret services, corporate spys and lawyers and
other agencies. GWEI Ð the Google Will Eat Itself project was one of the Media
hack projects.- Hans
i mentioned for vote-auction, due to internet/digital comm technology we dont
know who is on the other side Ð things start to spin very fast, very heavy
loads of information start to move, respectively the sheer amount of
information is just overwhelming, the real-time publication, the
user-communication and the press-work become very threatening. So we are in the
middle of a mass media storms, between the fronts of secret services, corporate
spys and lawyers and other agencies. GWEI Ð the Google Will Eat Itself project
was one of the Media hack projects.- Hans
Chat History with
Created on 2006-11-27 17:18:24., 2006-09-06
Johannes Beus: 16:37:20: hi
Paolo Cirio: 16:38:17: hi dear
Johannes Beus: 16:38:36: youre the one who coded the
google will eat itself thing?
Paolo Cirio: 16:38:48: Yes right
Johannes Beus: 16:38:58: could get you into big
Paolo Cirio: 16:40:42: why?
Paolo Cirio: 16:40:53: who are you?
Johannes Beus: 16:41:05: its not ony against the
adsense tos but against the law, called fraud
Johannes Beus: 16:41:52: see
Paolo Cirio: 16:42:07: yes..i know about argument
Paolo Cirio: 16:42:21: but you don't know what do
google about the law
Paolo Cirio: 16:42:44: do you know what kind of
personal information they collect with adsense ?
Paolo Cirio: 16:42:57: so many thing are against
Paolo Cirio: 16:43:12: anyway have you some thing
of important to tell me
Paolo Cirio: 16:43:13: ?
Johannes Beus: 16:43:28: no, just wanted to hear if
you know what you are doing.
Johannes Beus: 16:43:33: have fun :)
Paolo Cirio: 16:44:03: yes i know..but don't
forgot that i'm an artist not tieff
Paolo Cirio: 16:44:09: is a bit different
Johannes Beus: 16:44:37: fraud is fraud, no matter
if you think its art or not.
Paolo Cirio: 16:45:22: no exactly..depend what do you doing with fraud..if you use for steal for personal use or for comunicate something
Paolo Cirio: 16:46:04: so many art was illegal
..and then become history fot everybody
Johannes Beus: 16:46:54: i'm pretty sure the judge
won't think so
Paolo Cirio: 16:48:21: depend who pay the sum nothing of legal is realy legal..
Paolo Cirio: 16:48:51: anyway..something is a must
for political activist
Paolo Cirio: 16:49:03: and we take the risk
Johannes Beus: 16:49:42: hm, ok. your choice. just
wanted to let you know of the risk.
ãQUOTE: we write you in the name of Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parway, Mountain View, California. Google was informed about your Project GWEI- Google Will Eat Itself. On your web-site there is the following information: Quote ãNow we have setup a vast amount of such Adsense accounts for our hidden Web-Sites. Each time someone visits a web-site within our network of sites he /she triggers a series of robots. For each click we recieve a micropaiment from Google.Ò End Quote. We mean that the text can only be understood that you open up or have other people open up Adsense accounts with Google. It is obviously the intention that you or others click on the Adsense pages and receive paiments for this. For doing this, you also state that you are using robots. We may inform you that this is against Googles Adsense policy. It is strictly forbidden to use automated tools to generate clicks. This policy is not only to protect Google but tho protect the advertisers. They can experience direct losses by your activites. (Keyword: GWEI eats Advertisers). We dont have to mention the criminal law implications this project might have for you. We are very well aware that this is an art project. But this does not free you of the reglementations of our policy or the general law. For this we have to mention the legal consequences this activity might have for you. Be asured that Google will use all legal means to prosecute such fraud. Usually this does not only imply the termination of your Adsense account but can also mean that you have to pay back your earned money and that we press charges so you have to pay reimboursement for the damages you caused. With kindest regards, Dr. Arnd Haller, Legal Department.Ò END QUOTE
The Bad Guys (The Amazon Noir Crew: Cirio,
Ludovico, Lizvlx, Bernhard) stole
copyrighted books from Amazon by using
sophisticated robot-perversion-
technology coded by supervillain Paolo Cirio. A
subliminal media fight and a
covert legal dispute escalated into an online
showdown with the heist of over
3000 books at the center of the story. Lizvlx from
shoot outs with the global massmedia, Cirio
continuously pushed the
boundaries of copyright (books are just pixels on
a screen or just ink on paper),
Ludovico and Bernhard resisted kickback-bribes
from powerful
until they finally gave in and sold the technology
for an undisclosed sum to
Amazon. Betrayal, blasphemy and pessimism finally
split the gang of bad guys.
The good guys ( won the showdown and
drove off into the
blistering sun with the beautiful femme fatale,
the seductive and erotic
The Amazon Noir Robots (Sucker01-12) used the
frontdoor to access the huge
digital library of They tricked around
with Amazon.coms "Search
Inside the Book" function until it gave away
the complete volumes of copyright
protected books. This was carried out by sending
5.000 - 10.000 requests per
book. After this process the data was logically
reassembled into pdf-format by
All our work is done in the open. Our matter is
accurate. Amazon Noir was
scripted as an internet-movie. The whole digital
action (media hack) was carried
out in the global massmedia, within the art world
and on a highly sophisticated
technical level in the clandestine matrix of our
global networks.
Amazon USA, Amazon U.K., Amazon Germany and Amazon
France were
vulnerable targets. During the attack they transformed part of the ãSearch
Inside the BookÒ technology to defend the rights
of the copyright holders -
without actually solving the problem. Over 3000
Books were downloaded and
distributed through p2p (Peer-to-peer networks:
Gnutella/G2, BitTorrent,
FastTrack, ed2k) between April - October 2006.
In July 2006 Amazon France and Amazon USA threatend
to litigate. The matter
was resolved out of court October 30th, 2006.
Amazon (USA/France) bought
the Amazon Noir software for an undisclosed sum -
both parties signed a non-